Catching Up
Hey everyone, It’s been a good while since I’ve written. I found myself with a spare moment and decided that I should end my well-needed hiatus. School’s been… classic school I guess. I got a job, which was a huge development for me and I’ve been working for a month now. Being a tutor has stretched me in quite a few ways and I know it will only continue to, but in particular, I’ve realised I actually do like kids. Not that I hated them before, but it was definitely one of the things I was most worried about with the job, and now, I want to get to know them better and encourage them. I don’t think enough people do that. School’s been… classic school I guess. I got a job, which was a huge development for me and I’ve been working for a month now. Being a tutor has stretched me in quite a few ways and I know it will only continue to, but in particular, I’ve realised I actually do like kids. Not that I hated them before, but it was definitely one of the things I was most worried about...