Maybe 'difficult' isn't a red flag
Hello world, It’s been a busy week and an even busier weekend but while thinking of what to write, I started to reflect on some of the life lessons that have been pretty salient recently. God is capable of making things that we would never have thought possible literally happen. Sometimes we notice it and we have that ‘no way’ moment. Some other times, the circumstances sneak up on us and we don’t notice the fact that we’re living in what were once just prayers and dreams unless we intentionally reflect. I’m friends with people that I remember meeting and feeling like I would never be friends with. I’m also friends with people that hurt me I ways I thought I could never recover from or forgive them for. I don’t know if you ever really forget where you started with someone or fully forget what someone may have done that didn’t sit well with you. Sometimes that could mean the end of a friendship. Sometimes it should. But sometimes, tough things don’t mean that relationships, or...