So, with the new year coming around, I’m starting to see a lot of ‘resolution based’ and advice based content online. You see, personally, I don’t think resolutions are bad. Obviously, thinking that you need a new year to come around to make a resolution is flawed thinking that I definitely fall prey to. The idea that we need a significant change of time to make key decisions and changes can quickly become an obstacle to actually changing when you realise you need to. Having said that, there is something special about a new year. A new academic year or new semester is a clean slate. But a new year is different. It’s like getting a reboot. A whole 365, or 366, days to do better. The thing is, if you’re gonna think like that (which isn’t necessarily a bad way to think), then you need to recognise that progress won’t be linear. I’ve struggled with that a lot. I like feedback. I like to be able to see if I’m getting better or not and how I’m improving. Am I doing better than I was yesterd...