Day 35: We've run out of food!!!

Dear diary,

Today is day 35 of quarantine and I have a few updates.

My house has officially run out of food. The original way-too-much food phase has expired and now our fridge is emptier than it was pre-corona. My mum has made the bold decision to venture out into the unknown some time soon to restock cause the scarcity is REAL!

Just to update y'all, we've also passed the banana bread making, cookie baking and what-should-we-eat-for-dinner phase. The deciding what to eat phase is still reigning. At this point, there's nothing we can make that we haven't already made. It's all about finding new and creative ways to convince our bodies that we're eating something new and exotic while we eat rice for the third time that week!

Anyway, I have been pretty consistent with my working out routine ever since we got home. Much thanks should be given to my mum seeing as she is the one who wakes me up so that we can both "torture" ourselves at ungodly hours of the morning (by ungodly I mean 7am). But as long as I don't eat away all my progress, it'll all be worth it sometime in the future. I hope.

For now, I'm enjoying the sense of normalcy that I'm experiencing due to the routine I've perfected for this hectic time. It basically takes into account all of the things I have to and need to do. And my trusty alarms never fail! I'd advise you all (again) to come up with a routine too. Get your body and mind functioning on a normal level again. My schedule is so serious that I look forward to weekends like I would in school. Weekends mean NO chores, NO studying and NO EXERCISE. So I'm always pretty excited on Friday nights.

I'm trying to prioritise my sleep more. It's a gradual process. I've moved from sleeping at 4am to sleeping at 2am. I can't really see myself getting any more responsible, but who knows? I might surprise myself one of these days.

If you've gone through or are currently going through any quarantine phases, embrace it or them. We don't know when corona'll be over, but this period is definitely gonna be a huge conversation starter sometime soon. Imagine meeting someone new and when you'd normally be looking for something to say, you could start of with "it's great to be outside again right?" Gotta find some joy in the here and now.

P.S I strongly advise you all to watch "The set up" on Netflix if for no other reason than there's a a serious plot. I found myself pausing the movie every five minutes for the last thirty minutes trying to figure out what happened. Maybe it's just me, but you'll lose nothing by checking this one out!

Stay blessed. Catch up with family. Don't destroy the people you're quarantined with. And thank God in all things. Times could be way worse.



  1. wait is eating rice three times a week a bad thing,๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚we eat it six-seven times a week in school na๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’”, shouldn't u be used to it by now๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’”

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Diversity is expected at home๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. yes you've cut the consumption of the meal from 6-7 to 3 per week, diversity has already been established๐Ÿ˜‚


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