Speak out!

I'm going to talk about something a bit different today. I call it 'speaking out'. I'm sure the whole world calls it that though:) For such a long time, I would hear stories of or watch people stay in horrible situations. And I just couldn't understand it. They would say it's because of love or because they believe that people can change. I could never grasp it. I'm a bit more empathic now. Having experienced a few more situations I truly believe that what people really fear is consequences. When people do major unethical things to us, we tend to hide or gaslight ourselves because we are subconsciously scared of what happens when we speak out. We're scared that someone will go to jail, or be isolated, or lose their job and family and that we will have that hanging on our consciencies. I get that now. But even though I completely understand that fear, I still think it's completely irrational. How are our minds capable of making us the villains when we are the victims or survivors? How and why do we do that to ourselves? If you can speak to the person that makes you feel this way, do so. But if you can't and if you need to to save others, speak out. Speak out and speak out proud. A million people don't need to have witnessed the action or heard the abuse for it to be true. Don't gaslight yourself. Your emotions are real. You are real. And you deserve to live life free from opression, abuse and fear of speaking your truth. And when you speak out, don't hide in a corner. Walk out proud. You deserve to live free. God bless. Dera


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