Was MJ right?


Recently, I feel like my family has been going through a lot of hard stuff. Some things are inconveniences and some other things are life changing, but I think the real challenge is the way each challenge seems to come simultaneously. That has be really hard. I know that we are definitely not alone in this and that there are so many of us out here who legitimately feel like we just can't catch a break; one thing after another attacks which leads to this overriding feeling of fear, anxiety and hopelessness.

I was listening to a song today and was reminded that even though gratitude does not change our situation, it changes us. When we are not getting those things that we really want at the moment or we face really difficult situations, it's very easy to enter that place of feeling like you have nothing to be grateful for, or feeling like you need to be prepared for the worst in any situation, or that you cannot rest until you map out everything that could possibly go wrong and sufficiently stress yourself out. Like Spider-man's MJ said, 'expect disappointment so that you can't be disappointed.' But it doesn't have to be that way. Living in a constant state of fear, takes intention. But at some point, with enough practice and enough provocative situations, it can become your default. Breaking out of that requires just as much overthinking as getting into it involved. In a time when I am facing a lot of uncertainty and fear of the next hard thing that could happen, I am choosing to appreciate what I have right now and work on what I can. I find that we spend so much time worrying about what we can't control and almsot no time on working on what we can. So I'm trying to change that by being intentional about what I give time and influence in mind and life... one thought at a time. Do it with me.

Also.. if anyone knows how to edit youtube videos, please let me know. I am in desperate need of help.

God bless.



  1. I believe in you! You’ve got it 💚

    1. Once you get to the point where you be accepted that you can’t solve this issue and it’s just a phase, it’ll be much easier for you to get through it ❤️

  2. This was a really good read, thank you for sharing. I hope you find solutions to your problems soon enough!❤️


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