Intentions and Commitment
Hey... Been thinking a bit about my intentions lately. About how I do things that seem good and that definitely feel good and that make me look noble. But I do it for myself. I do it to be seen as someone willing to sacrifice her time and do all these good things. To be seen as being righteous and kind and compassionate. I've been a people pleaser for a good chunk of my life and it seems like every other day, I continue to recognise just how deep those tendencies run. It's not enough to say that you don't care what people think. And I don't know that that is necessarily the best thing... to just not care at all. But we need to be able to analyse not just the obvious things we do and say that have been influenced by people, but also the way we think and the things we believe and the way we respond to hardship. I think there's a reason it feels good to do something for other people. And I don't think that feeling is bad, or wanting that feeling is bad. But th...