Hello there diary,

It's been an interesting week.

Day 14 of my quarantine was on Monday, and so the fam and I expected to be going home on Tuesday or that Monday. The hotel we're staying at sends messages to all the rooms through the TV. They started sending messages that we would have to stay for another two weeks because we were in a site that had people that tested positive for the virus.

Don't get me wrong, I understand where they were coming from. They didn't want to release us if we could've been exposed. The problem was that they were the ones that said (through those messages) that people could come out to stretch their legs in the middle of the first week (giving people the opportunity to spread and contract whatever). Apart from that, my family and I had maintained minimal contact with people and we didn't come out to "stretch our legs". Like come on guys!!! You can stretch your legs in your room. This is a pandemic for crying out loud!

I was really disappointed at the prospect of having to stay for two more weeks. Initially. Eventually, I realized that I didn't have this virus, my mum didn't lose her job and we had the luxury of staying inside (that's a luxury guys, people are out there risking their lives). And so while I would have loved to go home, there were and are worse things than staying in this hotel, just like there are worse things than staying at home (for all of you who are at home). Anyone personally affected by COVID-19 can testify to this.

Anyway, to cut what could be a really long story short, we're going home tomorrow!!! We thank God because despite the plethora of things we tried to do to move this process along, it was only God that could've done it for us.

Something real that I feel I have finally mastered is the art of surrender; knowing what I want, telling God about it and yet understanding that He might want something completely different, and being willing to accept whatever His plan might be. It's real hard to do when you're in the thick of it. But that's Christian living for you; you have the key (Jesus) but you know that not every door might open just cause you use the key. God has the final say.

So to anyone who might be reading, I'd just like to encourage you to trust God concerning this virus and anything else weighing heavy on your heart. He can do it. He may not do it the way you want, but He'll do it the way you need. Trust Him and be at peace.

Stay safe y'all. Stay home...... and workout!!!



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