Welcome April!

Dear diary,

Happy new month!!!

Today's day 9 of quarantine and there's been a major development: I have officially been tested for COVID-19. I have to be really honest. The test was invasive. At least it felt that way. As far as I knew, you could only be tested through your mouth and from what I saw (in pictures), the stick-like thing goes pretty deep into your mouth. During the test, I found out that you can be tested throuh your nose too. The thing they use looks like metal, but you can bend it. On one end, it's curved, on the other it has a swab. So they put the swab end into your nose and mouth (two different ones of course!).

I was really surprised.  For one thing, I wasn't expecting to be tested through my nose and so I was incredibly spooked when the lady used the swab end to explore the far reaches of my nose. Not to creep you guys out or anything, but it felt really foreign and weird and unpleasant.  It wasn't painful, but it definitely wasn't fun. After the nose experience, I was petrified just thinking about what my mouth's exploration would feel like. The actual experience was delightfully anticlimatic. My mouth wasn't really explored. I mean, the swab went deep, but it was practically caressing my lips when compared to the depth of the nose swab.

I just wanted to encourage you all to remain joyful. We are walking through unprecedented times, but we have to remain postive and joyful, for ourselves and for those who can draw strength from us.

There are so many people out there that are seriously and personally affected by this virus- those who are infected,  those who have lost their jobs, the nurses and doctors sacrificing so much to help people, the businesses affected, our leaders and  so many others. They need our prayers, our support and they need us to stay home. If that's all we can do,  let's do it wholeheartedly.

Above all, let's jointly intercede on behalf of the world to a God who's above Coronavirus.

God bless you and your families.



  1. Didn't know you were doing this, love the spirit, in full support, much love.

  2. Baby!!! I'm so proud of how far you're going with this๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•.
    Keep it up❤


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