Day 42: Are you helping??

Hi everyone,

For those of you who read the last post about the dearth of food, I can assure you that we now have a sustainable supply of edibles. :)

I'm just wondering how your weeks have been up till today......

By now, we're all getting used to this quarantine thing even as we pray for it to end. I can't help but think that God timed this coronavirus outbreak was perfectly. I don't know what's so special about this time in history apart from the fact that it's the beginning of a decade. Maybe, and I'm just being hypothetical here, God didn't want us to walk through another decade asleep and thoughtless towards others.

I'm just thinking. God could've stopped this virus when it hit China, but He didn't. He's not aimless so there must be a reason. I just think that if he stopped it in China, the rest of the world would never have noticed or cared. A lot of us would have said "hey, that's a China problem." "Why should we donate money?" "Why is it all they talk about on the news?" We find it so easy to be so insensitive about serious issues when we're not affected. Coronavirus has changed that. Everyone is affected and so no one can brush it off like it doesn't matter.

What I'm getting at is that...... We all share this world. And though our lives are different and different people go through things at different times, there's always a way we can help. It's not always about money. You can donate tons of money towards a cause and not care. But we can donate our time, reading up on what's going on. We can listen to what our friends and family are going through. We can spend time spreading awareness and praying for people we know and people we don't know. In a situation like coronavirus, we can sacrifice our freedom to move and stay at home.

It's seems like there's not much we can do to help. Not just concerning this coronavirus, but in general. Horrible things might happen on the other side of the world or next door, and we might feel completely helpless. But you are NEVER helpless. There's always something you can do to help. Right now you're form of help may not be working in a hospital, but why not text a friend and ask how they're doing? Or pray for a particular hospital?

Don't let your age, position, status, situation and most importantly, your feelings make you feel helpless. You're way more powerful and helpful than you know.

P.S I know by the time you read this it'll be Thursday, so happy birthday mum!!!



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