Dera's Guide to Wellness!

Hello diary,

I'm posting a bit later this week.

I recently increased my workload, so I'm now involved in two different online learning platforms. Every now and then I sit down and question myself about the sheer madness that  must have driven the decision. But the deed has been done and both platforms are beneficial, so I'll learn to multi-task.

I feel like nowadays, (cause of my workload) the hours seem to fly by and then I end up feeling like I haven't accomplished much. It's most definitely different from the time when I didn't have much to do. I can't really say which situation I prefer, though.

In my house we've decided to start sleeping earlier and I know a lot of people might feel like it's impossible. But if you're committed, you can. Really, you can.

One of my major motivations to sleep earlier is the difficulty I have sleeping these days. I decided some time ago to start sleeping at 2am on weekdays to get more sleep, but I've been noticing that it takes so much time for me sleep now. My mum is convinced that my body just needs a routine. So for any of you out there who might be in my boat, consider sleeping earlier and making a healthy routine,  cause what I'm finding out is that your body fights back.

Also try staying on a healthier diet. That doesn't mean stop eating and it certainly doesn't mean eat only green food. But try creating a balance between sweet and nutritions, essential and desirable. Pair that up with exercise and I'm sure you'll feel a lot stronger. At least, I hope so. I'm still trying to implement the eating healthy thing into my own life.

Finally, make water your best friend (I don't know when this turned into a health blog). Drink it constantly to hydrate your body and to fool your body into thinking you're full so that you don't eat unnecessarily.

Love you all and I hope you've all been having a productive week. God bless.



  1. Love you too Dera! Very helpful advice!

  2. didn't know when u posted this, I sha told u to be sleeping earlier first๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


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