Life is too short to waste all your time dreaming!

Food for thought.

Don't freak out at the title. Hear me out.

I've been doing a lot of interesting work on one of my online learning platforms. One of the more recent projects was on manifestos; creating your manifesto for your aims on how to live your BEST life. I'd encourage you all to try it. You don't have to write it down or anything. But spend some time thinking about what you feel is vital to living your best life. And examine your life to look for discrepancies. Self-reflection is incredibly important. I feel creating such a manifesto or even just acknowledging what needs to be done is reflection.

But you know, reflection is useless without action. When you figure out what you need to do, DO IT! Don't dally or delay. Just go do it.

Life is to short to waste all your time dreaming.

Dreaming is important. So many incredible inventions and accomplishments were born out of dreams. These ideas were called dreams simply because they seemed so impossible at the time. And dreams still have a strong relationship with impossibility. Your dream will never be accomplished if you don't start making active decision and choices that will help achieve it. You can't just sit down, dream and then expect the different fibres of your imagination to form something tangible. A dream needs effort to become an accomplishment.

So don't get me wrong. DREAM. Dream BIG. If your dreams don't terrify you in their complexity and intensity, they're not big enough. So dream. But if the prospect of seeing those dreams become reality interests you, stand up from your imagination chair and do your part. Your dreams won't work unless you do. And even then you need a lot of heaven to back you up.

But what a girl's tryna say is, you have a part to play. You gotta work hard to achieve the good stuff. Dreams aren't any different.

God bless!.



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