We're all on the same sea, but we're not all in the same boat.

Dear diary,

The Premier League starts today. It might not be popular opinion, but I definitely don't think it's a worthy risk. I'm not a football consumer so maybe I don't really understand and I know these guys need to play to be paid. But call me crazy. I think it's dangerous and avoidable.

To less controversial issues.....

I celebrated my graduation on Saturday. On this particular day, I was meant to be in my robe and cap taking pictures with my friends for what might be the last time, while trying not to cry. Instead I was at home, eating the best shawarma I've had since forever and watching 'Living in bondage; breaking free' (y'all should watch it. It's really something else). It wasn't where I'd imagined I'd be earlier this year,  but I appreciate my family for making it a special day anyway. Diploma or no diploma, I graduated on June 13th, 2020. I just hope I get to make it official sometime soon.

It would be so selfish of me to pretend I'm suffering the most from this period in history. People are sick and people are risking their lives to treat them. People are dead and people are mourning their dead loved ones. People are living in constant fear of walking outside their houses and people are risking everything to speak up. I know I'm so fortunate when compared with people that are actually being affected. But somehow knowing that I'm better off doesn't make me feel better off. I don't know if you get what I'm saying. I guess it's a human thing. You know somebody just broke their leg and is going to have to wear a cast for months. And you know that you should empathise and you do. But your cramping knee takes precedence. It's not something I'm proud of. But I'm tired of hearing "everyone's going through it" as a reason to not feel bad. I know I might still graduate formally, which is a lot more certainty than many people have right now. And while I don't think it wise to throw myself a pity party everyday of the week, I think that we all have a responsibility to empathise with each other.

I heard somewhere recently that we're all on the same sea, but we're not all in the same boat. Something like that. All of us are experiencing these pandemics. But we're not all experiencing them the same way. And so we shouldn't assume our coping mechanisms will work for others or that we're experiencing the exact same things. Understanding the fragility and diversity in human emotion and experience is key to understanding people.

We all know the people who are suffering the most right now and it's important to acknowledge them, empathise with them, fight with them, pray for them and do our part in keeping them safe. But I just wanted to tell y'all that it's not a crime to feel bad about not graduating when you thought you would. It's not a crime to miss hanging out with your friends. They're not the major issues right now, but they're issues all the same.  God doesn't listen to us on the basis of how fatal or painful our experiences are. He just listens. Let's start listening to each other too.

Embrace the season and love on the people around you, no matter how trivial their issues might be.

God bless.



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