What to do with insecurities...


So recently I've been coming face-to-face with some insecurities I have concerning my next stage of life. I've found myself worrying bout stuff that never used to bother me. I've found myself over-thinking, worrying bout surface stuff and cross-checking my words constantly.

Anyway, I felt that I could share some of my current coping mechanisms with anyone else who's finding it hard to adjust to new people, environments, realities and the likes.

1. Test the Spirit.
I know this sounds pretty deep. It's from the Bible. 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21. It talks about not scoffing at prophecies but testing them instead to know if they're real. So when you find yourself worrying, test the Spirit or in this case, the motive. Are you worried because this thing might affect you mentally or spiritually? Are you worried because you want to fit in and you think you need to do, say, wear or be this to do that? Are you worried because everyone's doing it and you don't want to be left out? Understanding the motives behind your insecurities is the first stage of getting over them.

2. Fight fire with fire.
When the enemy tries to convince you that you need to change something that's actually amazing about you to fit in or to get friends.... You need to have ammo. You need to know the truth about yourself so that you can fight the lies. All that truth is in the Bible.

3. Don't be obstinate.
Sometimes, our worries and "insecurities" are actually God's way of speaking to us. Sometimes your friends or colleagues might be pushing or encouraging you to do something and you might feel really uneasy about it. That might very well be God telling you to let go and stay far away from such people and advice. Or it might be that, you're beginning to worry about your appearances more than ever or you feel the need to talk or act a certain way and you feel ashamed. The first thing about the whole appearance thing is that I'm pretty sure everyone faces such concerns in their life. Having said that, you need to face God with your worries and your shame and let yourself be reminded that you do not have to CHANGE for anyone.... but God. Good change is always great. But once again, identify your motives behind your change and make sure it correlates with who you are.
Ultimately, when you feel that nudge on your heart, listen.

4. Surround yourself with good energy.
If you're worried about your weight, surrounding yourself with people who've taken shortcuts or people who don't understand will not help. If you're trying to quit something and everyone around you is indulging, you over-estimate your self control. If you're trying to build your self-esteem and confidence, surrounding yourself with toxic people will do you no good. You need to surround yourself with things that motivate you, not things that tear you down.

5. Prayer works.
Some of the things we worry about are beyond our control. When such worries pay us visits, we need to surrender them to God who can control them.

Finally, you can't surround yourself with the wrong people or content under the guise of trying to help when you're trying to help yourself too. Unless it's a mutual effort, you need to help yourself so that you can fully help others.

I hope this helps. God bless.



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