Welcome Christmas!!!

Happy new month!!!

We have officially crossed over to the second half of the year. In the words of my mum, it's almost Christmas :)

I don't really have much to say today or for this week. I think I might even have exhausted myself with my talking over the last few months -  can't believe I can say I have been blogging for months.


If you're anything like me, you definitely didn't see COVID-19 meeting July. I didn't see it meeting the end of May honestly. But it's here. And you can't necessarily control that. But you can control what you spend this time doing.

I feel like I can see the virus coming to an end, and maybe that's wishful thinking. I don't care. I'll keep declaring the end of this virus until one day it is gone. Until then, I choose to be hopeful when it makes sense to be sad. I choose to keep preparing for an exam I have been preparing for for the last six years. I choose to keep making new recipes and to enjoy all this undivided time with my gismos. I choose to enjoy the presence of my family and friends all around the world. I choose to deny COVID-19 the opportunity to put my emotions, my joy and my relationships on hold. Cause the truth is, the virus can't do that without your help.

Stay blessed and stay joyful.



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