
It's crazy, you know. A year ago at this time of the year, everyone would be in full gear preparing to return to school. And in a way, everyone is still preparing, just that now you have to take into account quarantine periods, and masks, and sanitisers and the likes. 

I mean it's necessary to take these things into account; this might be our new normal for a while. But I'd be lying if I said all the sanitary procedures weren't exhausting and the thought of no physical contact wasn't saddening. Not that I'm such a touchy-touchy person, but just knowing you can't do something makes you kinda eager to do it. But in this case, that thing you can't do might make the difference between who lives and dies. It sounds pretty dramatic, but the truth is the truth even when it's crazy.

Just wanted to encourage y'all. If you're like me and you're worried by how little physical contact might affect your social life especially in a new place (it's my social life I'm pretty worried about), or you're worried bout how social distancing and online classes might affect you, or you're scared you might never go back to work or school... Whatever it is that you're low-key or extremely worried about... be calm. I can't honestly say everything will return to normal cause I just don't know. But I can say that God is way bigger than COVID-19 and I don't think it's the end of the world just yet (but what do I know?). 

Anyway, stay calm, wash your hands and follow the rules your school or work place or even your parents are giving you in this time. Everyone is trying to navigate an unprecedented time (notice how the news loves saying that word now). Don't be difficult.

I love you guys and I hope this helps.

God bless.


(P.S I'm still kinda learning how to use blogger and today I figured out how to insert pictures :))


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