Don't give up!

Hello there! September is a pretty special month. Not only is it so close to the end of the year, it's also a month that signifies new beginnings. I feel this way particularly because the new school year starts in September. This year is incredibly different. Some schools aren't resuming this September. Some are, but are resuming in a very different way. Some schools still don't know when they are going to resume. So much uncertainty and some times certainty that just isn't what you wanted. 2020 has been full of both of these things for me. Don't get me wrong, I've probably seen more miracles this year than in my entire life. But at the same time, I've experienced some of the greatest disappointment and emotional exhaustion. I would like to think of myself as someone that's seen the other side of all these things.It doesn't mean I don't still make some visits to those tired, disappointed places, but I've been on the other side. I see this quote a lot and I completely agree, "always believe something wonderful is about to happen". You never know. If you're going to spend your time going through the 'what ifs', why not spend it on the positives? 'What if' goes both ways. And sometimes, disappointment puts us in that place of total dependence on God which might be the trigger for the miracle. Sometimes, the only way to truly learn is from our disappointment and failure. And I know that sounds pretty dark, but we can be pretty stubborn. All in all, don't give up. 2020 isn't over yet. Those things you've prayed for or entered this year wanting to accomplish can still be done. And it doesn't mean that they will be done, but the posture of gratitude and peace is incredibly important. And ultimately, trusting God is the key to getting through disappointment. When you know He's in control.. you'll still get disappointed. But your point of view will change. Your desires, dreams and goals might change as well. Don't give up. The year's not over yet! God bless. Dera


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