Friendships are a two way street...

Hello, Hard to believe we've almost finished September. That might be a slight exaggeration on my part, but we've definitely gotten somewhere. This month, especially this week, I've been learning that the road to make friends is a two-way street. For so long I've been focused on making sure that I wasn't gaining my peace or comfort from being around other people. I worked so hard to make sure that I was comfortable being on my own that I forgot that I play a part in the process of making friends. I haven't gotten to the other side of this bridge yet, I'm still walking pretty slowly. But I'm learning to get out of my comfort zone a little, be the first one to say hi, make conversation and join conversations. Nothing worthwhile is built by staying in your comfort zone. I'm learning and thought I could encourage you to learn this too. My relationship with relationships has been a long one and I'm still learning. I thought I'd have learnt everytning there was to lelarn by now and yet... here I am. Be encouraged. God bless. Chidera


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