2020 thoughts anyone??

Saying 'I am not racist' means nothing. Just like with everything else in life, words are meaningless if not backed up with action. We can claim whatever we want, but ultimately are our words consistent with our actions? Don't get me wrong, words can be so powerful in instances of racism. Saying something can mean everything. But empty statements like 'I'm not racist' without consistent actions to back them up mean nothing. Just wanted to throw that in there :)

It's been a really crazy year, and there are still two months left! Can't wait to see what happens next... I'm really grateful for 2020 though. It's been a really tough year, but it was so completely necessary. Like those who lived through revolutionary years of time past, we will remember 2020. It was a year of 'waking up'. Technology makes it ao easy to be so connected and yet so out-of-touch. Our feed only shows us things we've already searched for. It makes it so easy to be so blissfully ignorant. It's a lot harder to be informed. When you're informed you have to make a decision; move on like you'd never seen it, or live with that awareness. Awareness that racism is no less a problem than it was 500 years ago or that America does need help even though it seems to be so self-sufficient all the time or that rape and self-trafficking still occur in our pretty, innovated, 21st century. From one human to another, I'd say we find it pretty easy to block out the important stuff. And when we somehow reluctantly hear about them, we are willing to ignore them. Not because we are bad people in principle, but we just don't want the responisibility of holding ourselves or other people accountable.

I'm grateful because in 2020 a lot more people have stepped up to the task of being aware and it's encouraged others to do the same. People are waking up and fighting for themselves and for people in completely different situations from them. It's beautiful to see the unity that chaos can create. I'm so thankful to be alive right now. I'll remember some serious tears from this year. But I'll also remember the love, unity, joy, peace and faith I've felt. I'll remember wearing a mask everywhere and I'll remember isolating for months. I'll remember the day I decided to be consistent with my blog (finally :)). And I'll remember the feeling of being black in a predominantly white community and having to deal with race personally for the first time in my life.

So yeah, this year may not have been what we expected. But give it honour where honour is due. Take the time to count your blessings and you'll be shocked at what you find.

Stay woke (can't believe I just said that!)... but seriously. Continue to do your research and check yourself. I know that I will. Love and smile more... hate less.

Enjoy the rest of October and step into Novemeber expecting good things. You never know. Don't let it be your thoughts that stop the good things from coming.

P.S If you haven't read up on SARS or the other crises in Africa... it's worth doing.

God bless.



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