Another crazy week on planet Earth!

I don't even know where to start.

Simple stuff first. I'm on midterm now. But the thing is once you enter higher education, you spend your school time wanting a break and your break time doing school work. It's an endless cycle that only really ends at your retirement. I'm blessed enough to be surrounded by a group of the most ambitious people to have ever walked the earth and it definitely encourages me to keep going and chasing my dreams. Beyond that, I'm encouraged to keep studying cause when all youir friends our pulling all-nighters, you know you have to step up your own game.

Aside from all that stuff, Nigeria is struggling. The corruption of our police force isn't new news. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that. But this whole SARS thing is definitely news to me. And what makes it particulalry upsetting is that the world is trying to handle racism. We're trying to destroy discrimination against black people. And yet, we have black people turning on themselves, killing themselves, discriminating themselves. And I just wonder how the world will ever take us seriously. It is not okay that our government is killing us. It is not okay for people to be targets because of their skin, how much more because of their Iphones or cars. It is not okay that Nigerian kids grow up wanting to get out of their country as fast as they can. And the sad part is you can run away from Nigeria, but it doesn't change anything. Living abroad won't save you, so the only solution is to save Nigeria.

I am so proud to be in a generation that is so hands-on, so ready to fight for what they believe in, so passionate. I love Nigeria even with all its faults and imperfections. No matter where I go, it'll always be home. And so I'll keep on believing, praying and playing whatever part I have the opportunity to play. SARS must end, but beyond that police brutality must end. Someday soon, we need to establish laws that ensure justice is dished out without violating people's rights. We need to make sure that police officers all around the world can be held accountable for every life taken, every query, stop and request they make. It's tough, but being a public officer should mean that the public can hold you accountable. People should be considered innocent until they can be proven guilty and not the other way around.

I don't know if there is a true way to destroy greed. It's such a human thing, especially when you're in a position of power. But if what I've seen this year is any indication, we just have to make the right laws and the citizens will fight to make sure they are followed. Because 2020 has shown us that our voices matter. And that when we all speak in unison, we are heard.

Law enforcement isn't an easy job and it's not for the faint of heart. It's about time that the younger people stepped up. We all play a part in running the country.

I love you guys. Stay safe and God bless.



  1. Very true.. something has to change...too many lives lost💔


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