Day 2 of Quarantine... Again

Hello world,

Yes, I'm in quarantine for the third time this year. It's really crazy honestly, but at least I'm alive. I'm sure I can handle quarantine for two weeks.

Christmas is coming!!! I love my family and I love spending time with them and Christmas is another important opportunity I get to do that. This year more than others, just getting to be with my family means a whole lot. Another thing 2020 is teaching us a lot about- spending time with those you love. It's like we're always aware of things until life make us really aware. I know that makes absolutley no sense. But like... we all know life is unpredictable and that you should spend your time wisely. But then COVID comes and shows us that life is REALLY unpredictable. We're always in a state of ignorant awareness until we can't afford to be. Maybe it's a human thing... or maybe just something I'm noticing about myself.

I had another conversation this week about my thoughts on science. It made feel really good because people I had spoken to about it before were activeley explaining it to people this time around. I really should write an essay about it... when I do I'll also share it here. In case you're wondering what views I'm talking about, I'll summarise. Science is useful and important. It's our way of trying to figure out how things happened, how things are happening and how to make things better and I don't think such curiosity has to be bad. I just also think that the transient nature of science and its affinity to change make it unreliable as a source of knowledge. I understand the importance of new techniques helping us find out what we couldn't before but I believe that the truth doesn't change and that if science's truth is subject to change, then it's not the truth. For example, we thought the earth was flat... and then new technology helped us figure out that it is in fact round. This does not mean that the earth was ever flat... it just means we didn't know the truth. And my question to science and to all people really is how do we know that what science is telling us right now is actually true? This isn't the fault of scientists, I mean I can't expect them to know everything. I just think that if we want to talk logic, then it's not very logical to believe everything science says is true and to teach it like its true. We need to give room for that margin of error that is common to science.

Apart from the credibility aspect, I also think that some things in science have a very simple explanation that not everyone is willing to acknowledge - God. I had a sceince class where we spoke about spontaneous generation. In order not to bore non-science people, I'll be brief. Scientists that subscribed to spontaneous generation believed that life came from nothing, but then Louis Pasteur proved that all cells come from pre-existing cells. The question that noone answered is where the first cells came from. We say the big bang brought life, but if we refuse to believe that God set the big bang in motion, then aren't we still belieiving in spontaneous generation? Thinking that life just suddenely came into existence from nothing? Just saying... think about it. We've already proven that spontaneous generation is false, so why don't we generally apply that principle?

That conversation of universally applying principles is another topic I'm really passionate about. I think there are lots of things that are becoming 'correct' to believe. And a lot of these things are based on principles that we don't universally apply. The problem with choosing what we apply principles to is that it creates a double standard and double standards blur the line between right and wrong a bit too much for comfort. Eventually, the way I see it, if we keep blurring this line, everything will become lawful. And that may not seem so bad right now, but where there is no law, there is no crime. I'm really scared that someday rape won't be considered a bad thing and I definitely think that our actions are on track to that reality. Anyway... conversation for another day.

I hope that my brief ranting has granted you some rest from whatver hectic things may be happening in your life. And if you spent your free time reading this, I really appreciate it :) I hope you know that your life matters, that your pain matters and that you are allowed to not feel okay. Do comment with your thoughts on the whole science thing... I think it's a really interesting conversation to have.

God bless.

Have a great week ahead.



  1. lol i don't know if it was the music i was listening to while reading this or the main point u were heading at that hit me hard while reading this but yh i get your point, i remember this particular biology class we had and we were thought the different theories of creation. Then we were asked to pick which we thought was correct from our opinions...I remember vividly there was the religious theory and then the big bang with some other minorities......when others picked i felt like they weren't rly seeing the big picture like these theories don't have to stand was exactly related to what u said. I was like yeah the big bang supposedly started the earth the solar system and all but what rly caused the big bang? so we don't rly have to seperate the ideology that God made everything from scientific research and findings if u get my yeah I understand what you're saying and these are my thoughts on it.


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