Vaccines, peace and truth!


I'm going to talk a little about the COVID vaccine since it seems to be a really hot topic right now. I was having a conversation with some people this week and they were talking about whether they'd get the vaccine or not, who should get it first and whether it was safe to be used. All these are pretty important questions. But I found myself thinking then and later when talking to my mum if I would even have a chance at getting that vaccine. A lot of developed nations like China, the UK and the US have reserved these vaccines by buying them ahead of time. And that's all good and dandy if you live in those countries. But at this rate, it'll take a long time for middle and low-income countries to get any vaccines. This whole fight for equity in vaccine distribution has been a conversation for a long time because low and middle-income countries know that the favour lies with those with the deepest pockets. Don't get me wrong, I think it's important for every government to try to protect its people right now. But this whole year has been teaching us about how interdependent the world is, and we can't forget that now just because COVID seems to be ending. 'Seems' being the operative word. If one country suffers, the world suffers. We should've learnt that by now. And besides, to be more scientific, if people from a country without a vaccine got into contact with some vaccinated people, the virus could mutate and infect the vaccinated people again. COVID is way too unknown for us to take chances like that. If you want to read more, copy the link below:

Moving forward.... Jut wanted to encourage you all to protect your peace. The world is soooo crazy. Craziness is one of the only things that have been constant this year. If you let your peace be determined by people, positions, or situations, you will break down. You will burnout. You will be disappointed. 2020 has taught us that. I've been thinking a lot lately about what we consider as evidence because I'm doing this awesome but crazy-intense subject called TOK. And so, I've just been thinking about why we believe what we believe and I won't get into all that in this post cause it's something I'm really passionate about and I don't have the energy to do it justice today. But even scientific evidence, which is meant to be the epitome of 'true' knowledge and facts, changes everyday. A scientist could legit prove today that the earth is actually flat. And maybe it'd take some time, but we could end up believing that.

Something that is true is true. It doesn't stop being true when new evidence is introduced. Realising that has made me look at things differently. And honestly, the only things and people I know to be true and unchanging are God and His word. If you don't believe me, do the research. All other things pass away and are subject to popular opinion, time, trends and 'scientific falsification', but God is true and He stays that way. So, instead of placing your peace in things that will definitely disappoint, place it in the One who stays true through time. It's only logical.

I've been scared a lot lately about speaking up about some things. The fear of rejection has kept me silent for a really long time. I've been convincing myself that I am the only person that believes certain things and that if I spoke up, everyone would hate me. But that's definitely not true. I know I'm not the only one. And even if I was, I don't want to live in fear anymore. It's such a paralysing way to live and I don't want to be paralysed anymore. I want to love people and be kind to them and to show them what I believe through the way I live and through the way I speak. But I also want to feel like myself. I want to be free and be who I am without stifling parts of myself to be accepted. If that's acceptance, then I don't want it. Cause if you have to fake who you are to be loved, it isn't really love. And eventually, the truth surfaces. I'd rather tell that truth than wait to be found out.

I hope my ranting has been of some use to you. Have an awesome weekend!

God bless.



  1. I can totally relate to the fear of speaking up! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Seems as you were more passionate in this one...I'm glad u summoned the courage to speak up, alot of ppl are still down that hole, but u got out which usually isn't easy so cheers to that!


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