Friday wisdom...

Hello world,

Christmas is getting closer and closer. Something major I have learnt recently is not to get so caught up in the idea of being busy especially at this time of year. In secondary school, I enjoyed being busy. I mean, I got tired and stressed and all that, but being busy made me feel important. I was reading something and it reminded me that you shouldn't be so busy that you can't sit still and just enjoy the moment and hear God. Ultimately, it's also understanding that your worth does not come from how much work you do or how many activities you're involved in. Productivity and busyness are not the same. I'd much rather be productive than busy.

Moving forward, I follow this guy on Instagram and he writes and signs off his name as Solo. He is probably one of the most anointed people I know... he just speaks truth you know, and somehow it always hits home. This week he was saying he doesn't want a life that looks beautiful on social media but is hell in real life. I mean, there is absolutely nothing wrong with only posting the good moments. Maybe you don't want all your business out there. Whatever the reason, you're free to do that. But what I really gleaned from what he was saying is that, I don't want to have a life that looks all cookie-cutter on the oustide by is so messy on the inside. Or rather, I want my life to be as good as it looks. I feel like I'm not saying this right... I think a better generalisation is that I don't want to be fake. People aren't entitled to my deeper thoughts, emotions and experiences. But I don't want to pretend to be someone I'm not or pretend to have what I don't or pretend to come from where and who I don't come from. I don't want to sell people a picture of me that is so different from who I really am. People will eventually think what they want of you and you can't really do anything about that, but when it comes to me and how I portray myself, I want to be as me as possible. Yeah, I hope that makes some sense to ya :)

Finally, something else that caught my attention this week is forgiving and forgetting. People are always saying 'forgive and forget' as if they are a package deal. I don't think I've ever really agreed with that, but this week I read something that solidified my stance on the issue. First off, you should forgive. In some cases, it takes a lot longer but unforgiveness keeps you in bondage. Second, you can forgive someone without forgetting what they did. For example, you can forgive someone for spreading something personal that you shared with them. That does not mean you'll forget that they did it. Stemming from the last example, forgetting might stop you from learning the appropriate lesson. Like I said before, if someone shares something you told them in confidence, that raises questions about their trustworthiness (I think if you shared intentions to harm yourself, that would be an exemption). If you forget, you are likely to make the mistake of trusting the wrong person again. Granted, making mistakes is completely human, but trust is something that has to be earned. Making someone earn your trust does not make you an unforgiving person. Lastly, forgetting might stop you from actually dealing with the issue. If someone really hurts you and you just forget about it, you don't actually deal with what happenend and why it offended you. Without knowing it, you might begin to build a grudge and someday you'll lash out at the smallest thing and won't understand why.

Yup... that's might bite of wisdom for the end of this week. Just checked my calendar and realised Christmas is Friday next week! That's so crazy.

God bless.



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