Holidays are here!

Hello everyone,

I know this post is pretty late... this week has been hectic. The term was coming to an end and I had set this crazy target of finishing all my assignments before the very end. It did drive me crazy at moments, there were some breakdowns, some mandatory rest periods, lots of confusion, lots of stress. But I'm so proud of myself and so happy that I did make the effort to finish all assignments. I mean, I still have some work to do.. but I'm giving myself like a week before I think about the little pieces of research I still need to do here and there.

I just started thinking about myself and this year in general and how there are some things I love to do and said I'd do this year, that I left behind at some point. I intended to master my guitar this year.... definitely didn't happen. I kind of did some major damage to it earlier this year and I just haven't fixed it. Another thing I think I let fall to the wayside was my writing. I mean, I started blogging consistently this year so I should give myself some credit for that. But I have not been writing as much as I usually did. Before when I experienced 'writers bloc', I'd say I had lost juice. I feel like I've been juiceless for a while now. But these are still things I want to do and I'm sure with a little bit of intentionality, I could go a long way. 2020 or no 2020, I just think it's important to make time for the things that matter to you. I run my life by alarms majority of the time, intentionally making time for all the things I want to do but that I wouldn't do if I didn't set an alarm. I need to get back into that.

I just want to encourage you all. The year may not have gone the way we expected, but it does not mean we can't still accomplish some of our goals. Like a friend of mine would always say,'it's not to late to be what you could've been'. It's not too late to do what you planned to. And even you cannot finish this year, beginning doesn't cost you anything (unless it actually costs you money of course!). If you planned to do these things this year, start now even if you can't finish it this year. You don't need a new year to give you permission to set crazy goals. Set them and just do your part. My crazy rush to finish all my work this past week has shown me that stress is actually a choice; and it's really easy to make. When you don't understand or you're confused and running out of time, stress can feel like the natural response. But in the same way when we grow up we stop droppping food cause its hot and start putting it on nearby tables, you can teach yourself to change your initial response. You can talk yourself through what is stressing you and try finding actual solutions. Like my mum told me, 'the time you spend stressing is time you could've spent solving the issue.' Sometimes, you may just need a break from what is stressing you because the pressure stops you from seeing what is right in front of you. But other times, I think we actually just need to be a bit more 'logical' (I question the value of this word a lot because what people consider as logic is very subjective, but I couldn't think of anything else that works here so..). Let yourself cry, and then come up with actual solutions; who you can ask for help and where you can get the necessary support from. I know it sounds crazy, but you can talk yourself out of stress. And learning to do it for yourself is probably the wisest thing any of us can do. Plus, God's in control.. hand over your schedule to Him, do your part and trust Him to do His.

I hope this encourages y'all. And to anyone experiencing the joy of a holiday with me... I congratulate you!

God bless.



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