Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I intentionally pulled myself out of the intentional Christmas laziness to post today in the hopes that I could share some love and hope of the season.

I know not everyone might connect with Christmas so deeply and a lot of times I question whether I would have such a deep attachment if it was not for the presents. But this year, it feels different. A couple of things were different this year anyway. We had a guest over for our Christmas Eeve dinner. I was super apprehensive about this cause I didn't know if a guest would fit easily into our banter, but it was such a great night. Lots of food and lots of laughter. I've been baking a lot and we gave our guest a LOT of food to go home with. We also gave some of the staff in our apartmenet some cinammon rolls. Apart from the fact that we really needed to get rid of some food, it felt good to give people stuff like that. Made me feel all warm inside.

In addition to all that, I really feel at peace this Christmas. Jesus was born in this season, but He only did what He came for thirty years later. God gave us a baby when He could've saved us instantly. Knowing God, I know there was a reason we had to wait that long. It makes me think of all the things being birthed in my life that I might be threatened by or that I may not even know of that will only really reveal themselves later. It's made me think about seasons of life differently. Every season has its significance and meaning and even though I may not know what is happening or what I'm learning from each season, I really do appreciate them all.

For the first time in my life, I understand peace. I mean I still get stressed and worried but a lot less. God has my back. And believing that as strongly as I do really helps me to fill the space worry and stress used to occupy with peace and gratitude. I have no idea what is going to happen next year or even in the last few days of 2020. Life is crazy and unpredictable. But I feel stable. I can't control the future ans so I won't stress about it. There's more than enough work to do now.

To all the people out there who are mourning or discouraged this season, my heart goes out to you. I know I may not be in the best place to give advice, but counting on 2021 being a better year just doesn't seem to be the best way to go to me. It may be better than 2020, but what does better mean? This year was really crazy. I think it's better to count your blessings and lean on God. He doesn't change. Building your foundation on a rock - unchanging and unmoving- is the only real way to survive stormy seasons.

I love you guys. God bless.



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