Is the 'hard' worth it?

Hello world,

I almost forgot to post today... thank God for alarms!

Tonight my mum told me,'nobody likes the process of becoming, but they all want to become'. I'm sure we can all relate to this on some level; knowing what we want, but then giving up or backing out when the actual process starts either because it's too hard or because we don't think we can make it (also because we think it's too hard for us). Not everything is meant for you, but if you don't try your best to find out, you will forever regret it. Instead of knowing you tried your best, you'll be stuck with 'what ifs'. Your situation may be a lot more complicated than mine, but for those dreams and passions you have, try. It may not work out, but knowing you tried gives you peace where giving up gives you regrets. Also, trying and failing shows you what doesn't work which makes you more informed when you try again. It's not easy... I'm learning that. But it's up to you to decide which 'hard' is worth doing.

Another thing these past few years has taught me - Love does not require us to agree. I think this can be easily misinterpreted and so I'll be clear about what it means to me. You do not have to agree with what everyone says to love them. You don't have to agree with who they vote for or who they're friends with or their life choices really. God calls us to love. So that means being patient, kind and all those things 1 Corinthians 13 talks about regardless of who the person is or what they've done to you. It can be really hard if you have bad history with someone, but holding a grudge keeps you in chains... not the other person. It's not always easy to forgive, but it's always worth it. Having said all this, you do not need to be influenced by or in a close relationship with everyone you love. You can care about someone but know that their bad habits will rub off on you, and stay away. You can love someone but know they are toxic to your mental health, and stay away. Loving someone does not have to mean you cannot see their flaws. It should be caring and showing up despite theflaws. So yeah. Know yourself. If you cannot handle people practicing past addictions without relapsing yourself, maybe don't spend so much time around them. You can love from a distance; protecting yourself but still loving. Hope that makes sense.

That's basically all I have to say right now. Tomorrow's the last day of January and I can't help but feel it flew by so fast. Try to take inventory of all the great stuff that happened this month. You will always find bad things if you look (sometimes, they may be easier to see), but the same goes for the good stuff too. So, take inventory and remember what you have to be grateful for.

God bless.



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