
Good evening everyone,

Welcome to February, the best month of the year (but I may be biased...). Something about the beginnning of this month really struck me. I felt the newness of it the way we feel the newness of a new year. For some reason I just had a deep feeling that great things would happen this month. Because of the way life is, I've experienced some tough things since then, but that hasn't dimmed my hope of what is yet to come.

Apparently this last week was mental health awareness week (goes to show you just how much I still have to learn). But in the theme of mental health, have you been taking care of yours lately? Mental health week might be over, but there is value in prioritising your mental health everyday. Whether that means staying away from things or people that are toxic your mental health, or taking those necessary breaks during the day or maybe even just speaking the truth to yourself when the lies are so much louder. Whatever that looks like for you, make sure you find it and prioritise day in and day out so that on those days when it's really hard, you're already used to taking care of yourself. February is also black history month. Another great investment would be taking the time to familiarise yourself with black culture and history. Life can be hectic, but it's crucial to make time for the really important things.

Beyond that, I just want to remind y'all that your identity and your worth are not governed or decided by what you feel. Life can be so busy and overwhelming and in such times, you will feel a lot of things. But those feelings do not translate to who you are. So when you're feeling really stressed and discouraged and when one failure makes you feel like a failure, remind yourself of who you are and that you are not your feelings. One of the greatest things that has happened to me this year is realising that I have control over my feelings. I think sometimes we get ourselves into the habit of believing that some things have to be a part of life and we never try to see the alternative. It's definitely not as easy as I'm trying to make it sound. But for me stress was a major issue at the end of last year. And this year, for the most part, I've just refused to let myself get stressed. Instead of drowning in the sea of all the work I have to do or all the expectations on me, I acknowledge the work, I plan and organise my schedule, I do what I can and prioritise resting at the end of it all. Stressing might come really easy to us, but anyone who has ever had those periods of extreme worry and fear knows that that is no way to live. So when you start stressing about all the work coming up in the future, tell yourself to focus on what you can do now. When you're overwhelmed by all the work now, figure out what is due first or most important and focus on that. When you're drowning under expectations, remind yourself that you are trying your best (if you're not, you should definitely try your best) and ask God to compensate for your inadequacies. I'm still learning in a lot of areas, but in regards to stressing about school I've learnt that what you let yourself believe has so much power. So believe the right things.

Hope you have have a great week ahead.

God bless.


  1. Birthday loading 🥳🥳 love the message

  2. This post is so true and honest! I relate to it so much and it’s sometimes good to hear that other people are going through same thing (Rachel W) x


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