Good evening ;) I went on a walk today... alone... and stared at the sky for like 20 minutes. I've been meaning to go out alone for so long and I haven't been able to because I didn't know where anywhere was (still don't really know too much) and I was negotiating with my mum (she finally agreed that I can go alone if it's daylight). I don't necessary love being alone all the time, but there are some times I really do enjoy it. I've been seducted by the idea of going on a walk alone for a long time; partly because I don't want to have to ask somebody to accompany me, but also to have that alone time to think. Anyway, for everyone who has been wondering, it was nice. I was looking for a certain path that I had walked before, but ended up seating before I got there. Not cause I was tired (I know you already assumed that), but cause it had a nice view of the park, and I didn't want to walk so far down so that I wouldn't have to walk so far up ;) I...