Are you tired?

What a week it has been! From exams to trips to life... this last week has caught up with me.

Life can be hard. There have been quite a few times when I've felt like situations I was involved in were spiralling out of control all around me and there was absolutely nothing I could do to gain any sense of peace. It almost seems like once I gain that peace in one aspect of my life, all hell breaks loose in another part. I guess life is just like that... it's a constant race where the reward for hard work is more work, and the reward for faith in one area is testing in another. I completely understand how easy it is to get tired of trying to make things work out or how exhausting it can be to keep trying when it feels like the people you're trying for don't recognise you or they can't see past the old you to who you are now. I get that it can be tempting to give up when you've given everything and gained nothing. I recognize that it is instinctive to back away when things get tough and messy. But life is messy. People are messy. Giving up does not save us from disappointment, it just takes away hope. And I think hopelessness kills much faster than disappointment.

I know this sounds really gloomy... but it's my monthly reminder to whoever's reading this that you are seen. Your effort is seen. And though not everyone might appreciate it or recognise it immediately and though it may not give you any reward or change immediately, choosing to love people and fight for the right things will always be fruitful. We just have to be willing to wait.
I hope you guys are all doing okay and taking some time to recharge.

God bless.



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