You can change your mind


How is everyone doing?? I have been having a lot of interesting conversations this past week... Once I've processed my thoughts on these conversations completely, I'll try to share it with you guys.

Anyway, I was thinking about how sometimes we are so sure and certain about things and we talk about them passionately. And then we grow, or we hear other points of view or come into contact with new information and we realise that what we previously believed was not very accurate or correct. If you're anything like me, at this point you become very nervous about sharing your new beliefs because you were so against them before and you do not want people to say you are a hypocrite. Or more importantly, you don't want to feel like a hypocrite. I think that the problem with this is that it prevents growth. One of the best things that happened to me was seeing an instagram post that was basically saying that it was okay to change your mind. And this is a reminder to whoever is reading this, that you can. Maybe we could all make life a bit easier on ourselves if we created the safe space for people to change their minds.

Having said that (and like I've been saying a lot), it's very important to share our opinions respectfully in the first place. While we cannot control the way people receive our opinions or perspectives, it might be easier for people to receive changes in our opinions if we did not treat them so disrespectfully with our original ones.

In conclusio,n (haha... this is shaping up to sound like the world's shortest essy)we owe ourselves the grace of growing in our opinions and perspectives. But we also owe others the respect of respectful opinion sharing :)

That's all I have in the tank today. I have really mixed feelings about summer seeing as I have to stay in the UK. But I'm mostly excited. I have some fun things planned... a lot of university research, exams and hopefully a lot of rest. Y'all make sure you get some rest too. Refuel the tank.

God bless.



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