Almost time for school again

Good evening,

I know school is coming back pretty soon and while I will not quite talk about preparing for that in this post, I do encourage you all to make the time this weekend or this coming week to rest and plan out your goals for this term.

So yesterday I was thinking about my hair. I has just loosened it and made a style that we call 'all back'. As I made it and looked in the mirror, admiring the perfection of my work (I'm even getting tired of myself at this point ;)) I remembered how much I had hated this style when I was younger. I basically thought it was ugly and should only be done as a last resort. The first time I made it in my recent life, I was looking for something that would be really easy to loosen in the coming days and when my friend made it, I realised that not only did I not hate it anymore, I actually quite liked it. Now my brother isn't really a fan, but then he struggles with just helping me do basic stuff like parting my hair so I'd say that he hasn't really earned the rights yet (love you bro!). Anyway, this was going to be the whole post, but in the spirit of taking things a bit deeper, I think this is how we are as people. In some seasons, we really hate things and the temptation is to abandon them forever. But as we grow, our preferences really change and if we are so rigid in what we are willing to try, we might miss out on a world of opportunity. So I am encouraging you (and mainly myself) to try new things or try some old things that you haven't done in a while.

One of my friends had been saying some interesting things about racism recently and today I decided to start some conversation about it. And so I've spent most of today talking to two of my friends about racism and how we feel about it and I think I've come out with more questions than answers. We've been talking about how we view racism differently now in light of our experiences and the things we've heard on the news and I've been introduced to some new perspectives that are really making me face the music. Ultimately, I don't want to be so naive that I am unable to recognise when something inapproriate is being done, but I also do not want to be seeking racims or offense so much that I see everything through that lens or blow everything out of proportion. When I first got to my new school, I felt so much pressure to be a perfect example of a black person, knowng every appropriate and inappropriate thing. I have long since given up on that as I recognise that nobody should have all that pressure on them and I am honestly tired of the society that changes the rules every single day. My decision at the end of the day is to take it day by day and judge each action based on what I know to be true, not based on what everyone else says is right or wrong, cause that changes everyday and I don't want to be caught in the consequences of inconsistency.

God bless.



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