Opposition doesn't mean it's a bad decision


How’s everyone doing? I hope we’re all good. August is such a great month… I don’t know, it feels like the peak of summer. And even though my summer this year is spent away from home and studying for an exam… I can’t help but be infected by summer joy. I’m trying to convince myself to get out of the house more often (it’s still a work in progress) and do other stuff so my entire day isn’t just spent studying (cause that would be really sad), but even though I find myself a bit too lazy to do stuff most of the time, I’m excited to even have the time to do it. At the beginning of my summer when I was trying to catch up on school work, I had to remind myself that I was on break. So even though I want to catch up on school work and prep for my upcoming exams, I also want to sleep in the middle of the day, workout at crazy hours, binge series over the weekend and dress as unkempt as I please (not joking:)). And this is your reminder that you need balance in your life. So prioritise your work, but also prioritise your rest. The lack of downtime will catch up with you eventually (just realised that sounded a bit dark) and if you form the habit of prioritising rest now, you won’t have to chisel it into your head when you’re older and more set in your ways.

I was writing last week about how fear and love tend to control and influence most of my decisions and how I’m trying to work on reducing the control fear has over me. A fun update to that is that the last couple of days, I’ve been thinking a lot about the type of person I want to be. I know that sounds very deep… but I’ve been considering the habits and the mindsets and the desires that I have that aren’t really consistent with who I want to be and I’ve decided that I might be in need of a major life change. The thing I’ve also discovered is that it’s a lot easier to discover what the problem is than it is to fix it, because most of the time we found ourselves going back to what’s familiar even when we have admitted that those things are dangerous and bad for us. I’m trying to be better in that regard and to stop letting my fear of what I think people will do or say in reaction to my choices affect whether I take those risky, new, uncomfortable but necessary steps. I normally find it very hard to subscribe to the philosophy of ‘you do you’, but sometimes, you have to go ahead and do what you know you need to even if everyone around you isn’t supportive of that. As I wrote that, I thought of dozens of scenarios when you definitely shouldn’t do what you want to especially when people around you don’t support it (and yes most of those scenarios had to do with you wanting to kill someone or hurt yourself… my mind is just a web really), but when it comes to becoming the person God is calling you to be, you can be rest assured that you will meet opposition along the way. And you can’t let that opposition derail you.

I found this in my notes when I was looking for inspiration for today’s post - ‘ You don’t have to believe everything that comes through your mind. You have to train yourself in truth, it doesn’t come naturally.’ And that’s just a fact… our minds are so complex (I mean, who really understand them?) and sometimes we think about things that are so far away from what is actually happening or what is likely to happen. We like to prepare for the worst and imagine the worst so that we can soften the blow when those things come, but that just makes us really unhappy, hopeless people. You have to train yourself in truth, so that when the lies come, you can fight them with the truth… especially when that fight is against yourself.

God bless



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