The future's all yours
Good evening world,
I spent some time trying to think of what to write and it came to me through a song (I'm so poetic, I know ;))
Party 'cause you know the future's all yours Dance till your feet don't touch the floor Celebrate the day you've waited for Party like you're ready for so much more Do it like you know it's never been done Go a little crazy, have too much fun Today's the day, come on everyone The party's just begun (This is a Cheetah girl song called 'Party has just begun'. If you don't know it, go renew your childhood.)
Why did this song lead to a blog post some might ask?
I recently started watching grownish again which is a show based on a girl who just moves into college and today I spent quite some time doing uni-related work. And what I've realised is that we get so caught up in all the hard stuff that we forget that this is an exciting time. Uni is the first time we're going to be adults in school (for most of us). This is the first time living far away from home (for some of us). And it's the beginning of our adulthood in a lot of senses. All these reasons are part of why university is such an important and hard decision for us to make. But when I was doing my research today and actually enjoying it despite the difficult parts, I really wished there was a bigger culture of enjoying this time. I know it's stressful. I know there are so many logistics and little pieces that have to fall into place for us to go to our 'dream' unis. But like that song says, party cause you know the future's all yours. We've gotten so used to the grinding and working and pushing through that we've forgotten that we are young and that this is the beginning of the rest of our lives. The possibilities are endless. Our hope, our dreams should be endless as well. So this is a PSA to anyone who has been absolutely hating the college application process or who has been hating college so far. It's hard (most things are), but remember why you're doing it. Remember the endgame. Remember the possibilities and let yourself be encouraged by them when you're tempted to fall into that space of rehashing everything that isn't going well or everything that's just impossibly hard. You can do this!!!
Following up from all that uni talk, I recently got some feedback on an essay I wrote and some hours after I first looked through the feedback (not during or a little while after), I began to think about how I had basically put myself out there and whether I was being told I'm not good enough. Honestly, this is part of the reason why we have to let other people look through our work and in a more general sense, let people in. Because when you're so close to the topinc, you kinda lose the ability to see it clearly. You're too invested, too attached (like a doctor treating a family member) and you can't be 'objective'(really don't think anyone can be this word... need to find some better synonyms). But yeah, I talked myself down that cliff. Reminded myself that this person's feedback (and college decisions) don't determine, add or take away from my worth. Remember that...
Okay. I hope this has been useful and not depressing :)
God bless.
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