Missteps don't have to be the end

Hello world…

The updates are definitely still a work in progress, but I decided to figure out something to write about. I know this is a bit late, but bear with me.

This last week got relatively busy for me towards the end. Beyond the tests I had, I was entrusted with the role of planning some things and giving speeches and while I was honoured, it was harder at some times to stay on top of everything. I’m really grateful that everything ended up well… but these last couple of weeks, I was reminded that even though I’ve come a long way from my old place of overthinking everything and stressing about anything, it is very easy to fall back into that place. For me, work can be a huge trigger. I think my main sign of progress is that even though at different times I was stressed, as I was working through the work, I was planning and organising my time so that things wouldn’t escape my notice. I was reminding myself that the things I had been given to do were within my capabilities, and that if they weren’t God would come through. I was encouraging myself to try my best and ask for help. And so to anyone out there who feels like they’ve been making progress for a while, but recently they relapsed into thinking or processing in the unhealthy way they used to, I just want to encourage you to look for the ways you’ve grown, even in your missteps; the things that you’re doing now that are helping you fix the problem that you wouldn’t even have thought of doing a little while ago. And instead of letting this mistake define you and make you undermine all the progress you’ve made, acknowledge your feelings and move past them. Hang on to those systems and routines that have helped you make all your progress. Give yourself grace… you are a work in progress and growth doesn’t happen in just one direction.

Have an amazing week ahead!

God bless.



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