Your decisions last longer than your storms

Hello everyone,

This week I was scrolling through instagram, an act that feels more and more like a chore these days. Anyway, I came across something that really spoke to me - 'Your decisions last longer than your storms.' I just found those words so powerful. When we're going through a tough time, we tend to make really rash decisions or sometimes we have to make really important ones. The stress or anger we may be experiencing in a moment can make us to choose to do certain things or to give up particular things that just don't match our characters or our goals. I know that in moments of pressure, I have chosen to do things I didn't really want to do that I thought would make me look best and when I was really down and out, I told myself some things about my personality that are not true. From the very big to the very small, the things we believe and decide during our storms, outlive those storms. That's why we have to be super intentional about the things we tell ourselves and the decisions we make especially when we're going through hard times. Our emotions can have us thinking and believing things that are not really true and if we give them free reign, we could burn all our bridges and relationships and then feel all alone when we finally come out of those dark places. Sometimes that loneliness we feel is self-inflicted. Definitely not all the time... but sometimes.

This last week, I also had the opportunity to have a conversation with some friends about something that is really important to me. We had different opinions and there was a lot of demystifying... but we respected each other which makes the moment so memorable. It also helped me recognise the way I normally present that topic and how that might have been stopping people from understanding it fully. None of this would have happened if we did not have the conversation. I for one can testify to being terrified to share my opinion on certain things, but when you find the right group of people, you will be able to have these discussions where everyone actually learns a little bit more without being attacked or demoralised.

I am embarking on a pretty big journey this weekend and my temptation is to let my tough experiences in the past paint this one with fear and dread. But I'm choosing to hope. What can you choose hope in this weekend?

God bless.



  1. wow!
    so powerful. We definitely need to stay positive and true to ourselves in hard times. Enjoy the journey!!

  2. Yeah
    I feel we all need to stay positive, and focus on what is to come cos there’s always a silver lining

    1. Yeah. It can just be really hard to find


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