Friendships and entitlement

Hello everyone,

Today I had my monthly philosophical conversation on my way back from the town centre. Me and a friend were talking about friendships and I am honestly convinced at this point in my life that this topic is something that continues to grow and evolve as we grow. Anyway, what really stood out to me about our conversation was entitlement. The closer we get to someone, the more entitled we feel to know what’s going on in their lives. And I totally get it. Whether that’s because the whole friendship began because we were there for those people in tough moments or if we’ve just gone through a lot and shared a lot with our friends. Whatever the circumstances, at some point, we begin to get offended when we are not told certain things. And once again, I get it. If you’re really close to that person, why don’t they let you in? Why do they tell other people and not you when you’ve really been there for them? These are questions that you could ask your friends. But ultimately, it boils down to understanding that people think of a lot of things when deciding who to tell certain things and even what to tell those people that they trust. Part of it has something to do with the way you’ve presented yourself and your opinion on certain topics, but a lot of it doesn’t have anything to do with you. And although it can be very difficult (and I am very guilty of this), we have to get out of our own heads and be thankful for the intimacy we have with our friends without taking it for granted and feeling entitled.

To be honest, sometimes we share things with people that we think will be more sympathetic. This isn’t inherently bad and having people with shared experiences is a blessing. But sometimes, we are actually in the wrong and we only want to share our experiences with people that will validate us. True friendship isn’t always pretty and true friends will not always agree with you or have the same experiences with you. But they should hold you accountable, support you and respect you. While I think it’s true that in life, we have seasonal, occasional and situational friends, our true friendships need to be unconditional and consistent.

God bless.



  1. Yeah I do think that sometimes maybe you aren’t the person they need right then, and that’s okay we all have different personalities and handle things differently but as a friend we have the responsibility of being there for them and seeing them through. If reassurance that they are strong enough to get through, is all you have to offer then that’s what we are tasked with as someone who genuinely cares for a person, we don’t necessarily need to know all the details of a person’s life to be there for them. Liked this one too❤️


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