What if 'our' truth is a lie?

Hello everyone and welcome to February!

It's hard to step out of your comfort zone, whether that's to try something new, believe something new or even do life without something or someone you are used to. We like comfort and so we work really hard on getting comfortable wherever we are: on our beds, in our friendships, in school and at work. And when something threatens that comfort, we resist. We become defensive. We shut down and shut these oppositions out. And sometimes, that can prevent us from the wrong influences. But what if other times, a lot of the time, we're wrong? What if we've become so comfortable in our failure and pain that we no longer know what life without them looks like and we're too scared to try? What if the things that seem so obvious and logical and that make so much sense to us, aren't actually correct?

I am glad to have people in my life that oppose my ideas and don't agree with everything I say and do. I don't need followers, I need friends to keep me accountable and call me out. It's not easy to be faced with new opinions and it's easy to shut them down because believing them might require us to radically change the way we think and live. And we don't like change. But I don't want to keep doing the wrong thing and believing lies, because I didn't want to hear the truth. The truth hurts. And change is difficult. But what if on the other side, there is hope and confidence and satisfaction? What if?

God bless.



  1. Yes!! Change can be frustrating because it’s like you’re having to unlearn something that’s part of your dna. Thank God for wise and honest friends who genuinely care for us and constantly push us to be better ❤️❤️


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