Take a hint and remain yourself
Hello... My motivation for loving people cannot be based on the assumption or even the hope, that they will love me back. I gleaned a lot this last week, but this is one of the things that really stuck with me. Something happened between me and some friends and I just felt really unseen and unappreciated - something I think we can all relate to in some sense. And all of a sudden, I wondered whether all the future plans I had made with them and for them and all the things I hoped for with us were really worth it if they weren’t considering me in the same way. And I was really leaning towards no. But I spoke to my mum and she reminded me of an adage that I don’t think we say nearly enough these days - ‘people may forget the things they say to you, but they won’t forget how they made you feel’. Every relationship won’t last and I don’t want to stretch out relationships that just aren’t meant for me. But regardless of how the other person chooses to behave, my kindness and my generosi...