It will not always be like this

I was talking to a friend today and after discovering that we both struggle with this, I figured someone else out there probably does as well. Both of us were bonding over our mutual inability (sometimes) to just enjoy the good times as they happen. We either spend our rest filled, joyful, ordinary moments worrying about times when things will not be as easy, or comparing ourselves to people who seem to be doing and achieving more.

This is pretty natural, I think. I've been doing next to nothing this summer, but when I hear about some of the amazing (and yes, productive) things that some of my friends have been doing, I can't help but wonder if I should be doing more as well. I think in some situations, a reminder can be helpful, especially if you DO have things that you should be doing that you have been postpoining and procrastinating. But (and this will probably echo some of my other posts), I think it's a bit too natural to consistently think that you are behind in some way. I feel like nowadays, we see all the time that we are resting as time that we are not doing something productive and once we see that someone else is spending their time differently, those insercurities that have been simmering the whole time, surface.

Without starting a Ted talk or anything, I just want to encourage you. If you're anything like my friend and I and you find yourself comparing your rest time to someone else's work or your work to someone else's rest, remind yourself of your priorities and your journey. I bet that if you do, you'll realise that you and that person you're comparing yourself to do not have the same stories or experiences. Allow yourself to enjoy and work through whatever season you're in. If you're resting, the working season will come soon enough. You don't have to will it into existence with your thoughts. And if this is your striving, late-nights, constantly tired season, rest assured that it will not always be like this.

I'll say it again: IT WILL NOT ALWAYS BE LIKE THIS. So be present. And do your best right now.

God bless.



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