My phone, my crutch
The other day, my siblings and I were talking about our high school. We went to a boarding school in a little known state in Nigeria for our six years of secondary school and my brother had commented on how much better our experience would have been if we were allowed to bring phones. My sister and I immediately jumped on his argument and disagreed, stating that we believed it would've made things really bad. Personally, I have very strong introvert tendencies. I'm more comfortable on my own or with well established friendships and my idea of a comfort zone is a situation in which I don't have to go out and talk to people I don't know or mingle and come up with small talk. The beauty of secondary school (despite all its flaws) and the camps that I was able to attend as a younger teen was that not having a phone MADE me stop and look at the people around me. There was no cushy comfort pillow for me or for the people around me to land on when we didn't want to talk a...